Magoshare AweClone is the best disk cloning software for Windows and macOS that helps you securely make an identical copy of data from one hard disk drive to another.
Store: Magoshare
Download: Magoshare_AweClone.exe Magoshare_AweClone.dmg
License key:
Window license: CRWJY-4WP3K-J54VN-I2FP5-TGJ3G
Mac license: AWZM5-KDS72-B4J3J-MZUJN-4BFMU
- lifetime license for Magoshare AweClone v3.0 (Windows)
and v4.1(Mac) - no free updates,
- no free tech support,
- redeem the license key before this offer has ended (Valid till Aug 29, 2024, GMT+0 08:00)
The excellent Magoshare AweClone free license key for Windows and Mac has the possibility to clone hard disk drives, system hard drives, and external storage devices without any data loss. With it, you can clone HDD to SSD or clone SSD to HDD with ease. Also, you can clone SDD or HDD to an external hard drive or storage media device. You can even easily restore your data from the destination hard drive/device.